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Лента последних сообщений

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Forum rules


Священная технология
Информационная группа
2 Фев 2019
Section l - General information

1.1 This conference (hereinafter - the forum) is post-moderated, messages are added immediately, and their "moderation" and release - later, at the discretion of the moderators.

1.2 All messages reflect the opinions of their authors, and the administration does not bear any responsibility for them..

1.3 For violation of the rules of the forum, the user can receive the following penalties: warning; temporary or permanent blocking of the account on the forum.

1.4 Personal correspondence in a general topic is considered offtopic. For personal correspondence there are Personal messages.

1.5 Remember that administrators and moderators will never require you to provide any personal information or to change it in your profile..

1.6 Communication with the administration, moderators of the forum and the project only through the forum itself and PM (personal messages). No need to ask to contact using the ICQ service, Skype, etc..

Section 2 -. Rights and obligations of the parties

2.1. The administration reserves the right to make any changes on the forum without prior notice to users.
2.2. Ignorance of the rules does not absolve from responsibility for their violation. By logging into the forum, you automatically agree with the rules and agree to comply with them.

2.3. All forum users must independently track changes in the rules..

2.4. The administration of the forum is not responsible for cases of damage as a result of being on this forum.

2.5. The administration is not responsible for the temporary or permanent inability to visit the forum by a specific person or group of persons.

2.6. The administration has the right at any time, without giving any reason, to stop providing access to the forum to a specific user or subnet as a whole.

2.7. The administration is not obliged to return the forum accounts, messages or any other information lost by the forum users for any possible reason.

2.8. In the event of a malfunction in the work of the forum, the Administration takes the necessary actions to restore its performance as soon as possible.

2.9. The account owner is responsible, regardless of who acted under that account.

2.10.In case of violation of any clauses of this agreement against the user by other users or a representative of the Administration, the user of the service has the right to file a complaint by providing evidence of the violation (screenshots, links, etc.).

2.11. The user unconditionally agrees that any texts, materials, photographs, art and other documents voluntarily published by the user on this forum become the property of the Administration and can be used by the Administration at its discretion in promotions, advertising campaigns, as well as the creation of design elements and the design of any projects or projects of partners without the consent of the User.

2.12. Accounts and all their contents are the property of the Forum Administration.


Section 3. Interaction with representatives of the administration of the forum

It is forbidden to contact representatives of the Administration unless absolutely necessary. Any appeal to the Administration must contain a clear statement of the problem or question relating specifically to the work of the forum. (The administration reserves the right not to answer questions). It is forbidden to annoy the representatives of the Administration (repeated message more often than once in two days)
Punishment: warning.

3.2.Disrespectful attitude, threats, entreaties and bickering with representatives of the Administration are prohibited.
Punishment: from warning to temporary blocking of the account for 7 days

3.3. It is forbidden to deceive the Administration.
Punishment: from warning to temporary blocking, recording for 7 days.
3.3.1. It is forbidden to deceive the Administration - slander: various incitement of intrigue with the aim, for example, to bring another player under account suspension using baseless accusations, rigged facts, edited evidence of guilt, speculation
Punishment: blocking the game account and restricting access to the forum for a period equal to the time of the alleged punishment of the object of slander

3.4. It is forbidden to publish conversations or their content with any representative of the administration without the prior permission of the latter.
Punishment: from warning to permanent blocking of an account.

3.5. It is forbidden to spread rumors of any kind, slander about the forum, the Administration and the project.
Punishment: from temporary to permanent blocking of an account.

3.6. In case of disputable situations, the user has the right to file a complaint * by providing evidence of the violation (screenshots, videos, links, etc.).

3.7. Administration representatives on the forum are highlighted with a special inscription above the avatar.

Section 4. Using forum errors (bugs)

It is forbidden to use forum errors (bugs).
Punishment: from temporary to permanent blocking of an account.

4.2.If you find a new bug, please report it to the Forum Administration via e-mail/personal message. Help in finding bugs is encouraged.

Section 5. Accounts

Unauthorized access to someone else's account is prohibited.
Punishment: from temporary blocking of an account for 30 days to permanent blocking of the main account and / or block of game accounts.

5.2. It is forbidden to communicate and leave messages with more than one account on the forum. If you have such second accounts, you can report them, and they will be blocked without prejudice to the main account.
Punishment: from warning to permanent blocking of all accounts.

5.3. Forbidden names consisting of website addresses, offending other users, containing vulgar language or using more than 70% CAPITAL letters in long names, numeric nicknames.
Punishment: account deletion.

5.4. When creating an account, it is prohibited to give nicknames such as "Administrator", "Moderator", etc., and it is also prohibited to use the nicknames of administrators, forum moderators and derivatives from their nicknames.

Section 6. Creation of topics

It is forbidden to create topics that are not related to the subject of the forum section.
Punishment: closing / deleting / moving the topic and warning the author of the topic.

6.2. It is forbidden to "raise" topics 6 months old or more. It is allowed to raise topics only if you have a similar problem, or if the topic is still relevant.
Punishment: warning.

6.3. It is forbidden to "raise" topics by sending meaningless messages (UPs). In some sections, raising topics may be allowed by the internal rules of the section.
Punishment: warning

6.4. It is forbidden to discuss threads closed / deleted by the administration. To contact the administration for game situations, use the Tech Support *
Punishment: from a warning to a temporary suspension of the account for 7 days.

6.5. It is forbidden to create several identical posts / topics in several topics / sections at once (cross-posting).
Punishment: warning.

6.6. It is forbidden to create threads with any requests (direct and indirect, in the form of links, films, etc.) for help that are not related to the topic of this forum. For example, fundraising for patients, collecting signatures, calling for participation in elections, voting for someone, and the like.
Punishment: from a warning to a temporary suspension of the account for 7 days.

6.7. Create messages and signature in CAPITAL or uppercase and uppercase letters intermingled (ThIS wAy"), excessive highlighting of the text in order to attract attention in bold, italic, underlining, different from the standard for forum messages in color, font, font size.
Punishment: from a warning to a temporary blocking of an account for 1 days

6.8 Advertising sites.
Punishment: Account blocking

Section 7. Posting messages

It is forbidden to leave messages that are not related to the topic ("offtopic"), do not carry any semantic load ("flood"), excessive use of capital letters, excessive quotation, as well as "forum wars" and "flame", messages of a provocative nature, aimed on insults and incitement to conflict.
Punishment: from a warning to a temporary suspension of the account for 7 days.

7.2 It is forbidden, explicitly or indirectly, to advertise third-party projects. Any server anti-advertising.
Punishment: from temporary blocking of an account for 30 days to permanent blocking of an account

7.3 It is forbidden, explicitly or indirectly, to advertise sexual services and / or materials of an erotic (pornographic) nature, publish images containing offensive and obscene stories that violate generally recognized morality and aesthetics, forum rules or game rules, laws.
Punishment: Punishment: from temporary blocking of an account for 10 days to permanent blocking of an account

7.4 Communication on the forum in a language other than Russian and English is considered a flood and is punished accordingly. Partial use of foreign languages is allowed in some cases, at the discretion of the Administration. The representative of the Administration has the right to temporarily restrict access to the forum to users who use foreign languages to communicate on the forum, and specifically cause a negative reaction from other players.
Punishment: from a warning to a temporary suspension of the account for 14 days.

7.5 It is forbidden to publish any private information without prior consent (photos, personal data, personal correspondence, any kind of videos, etc.).
Punishment: from a warning to a temporary suspension of the account for 30 days.

7.6 It is forbidden to create topics about buying, selling or exchanging various things / money, searching for and offering services - for real money, in any form except for standard in-game ways (black market auctions, character auction).
Punishment: 30 days before permanent account lockout

7.7 It is forbidden to impersonate the Administration or an authorized representative of the administration.
Punishment: 30 days before permanent account lockout.

7.8 It is forbidden to violate the rules of sections and subsections of the forum.
Punishment: from a warning to a temporary suspension of the account for 7 days.

7.9 It is forbidden to create topics, messages describing how to obtain benefits through the use of bugs / exploits.
Punishment: from warning to permanent blocking of an account.

7.10 Religious, anti-religious and any political propaganda and agitation are prohibited on the project. Speeches, any images, quotes, etc. are prohibited. nationalist, fascist and racist. Forbidden.
Punishment: from temporary blocking of an account for 30 days to permanent blocking of an account.

7.11 It is strictly forbidden to use obscene language and offend users. Screenshots or links to pages containing obscene expressions are regarded as veiled obscenities.
Punishment: from a warning to a temporary suspension of the account for 14 days.

7.12 Threats in any form towards forum users are prohibited.
Punishment: from a warning to a temporary suspension of the account for 14 days.

7.13 It is forbidden to post messages that violate laws that are a manifestation of racism, nationalism, religion, politics or drugs.
Punishment: from warning to permanent blocking of an account.

7.14 It is forbidden to advertise earnings on the Internet, post messages containing referral links, or links to pages with malicious programs.
Punishment: 30 days before permanent account suspension

7.15 It is forbidden to leave messages containing an excessive number of emoticons / stickers / pictures (including screenshots). It is allowed to insert only small pictures (size up to 800x600 and up to 600kb). If you want to insert more pictures, link to them or create a preview.
Punishment: warning.

  • These rules can be changed without notice..
  • In the event that the user commits an act that clearly damages the project, but is not expressly stipulated in the rules, the Administration has the right to
    impose a punishment adequate to the committed act (up to deleting the account and blocking the game account), with possible subsequent changes to the rules.

  • For repeated violations of the rules, the administration reserves the right to increase the sentence up to permanent blocking of the account.
  • The decision of the administration of the forum is final and not subject to appeal.
  • The forum moderator or the Administrator can make you a comment on the registration of the signature. If the requirements are not met, then the entire signature is deleted, and the user receives a profile lock or * for a period of 3 days.
  • The administration has the right to edit, transfer, close, and also delete messages and topics that do not meet the rules of the forum.
  • The administration can change any item of the rules without notifying users.