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Server rules and regulations


Священная технология
Информационная группа
2 Фев 2019
Section l - General rules:

  • Advertising on the server: Advertising of another, similar project (server), through private messages, in-game mail, guild chat, all global communication channels, character emotions and other ways of interaction, using the full or changed name and links. Any mentioning of other servers and direct or indirect calls to play there are considered as advertising.
    Punishment: from 30 days to a permanent account ban.

  • Rigged fight: Organization or participation in pre-arranged arena fights, when one of the teams deliberately loses the match, entering the arena through several windows, using the same IP addresses, and so on.
    Punishment: permanent account and IP ban.

  • Crash-link: sending an item/spell/any other link in general wold chat, which causes an emergency closing (crash) of the other player's game client when they click on it.
    Punishment: The first time offence - a warning, the next one - from 10 days of account ban up to permanent, at the discretion of Game Master.

  • Illegal obtaining of in-game currency: Purchasing gold from other characters or through third-party resources. Using the NPC, which allows you to receive in-game currency or abuse any other similar method.
    Punishment: 10 days of account suspension, all currency found on related IP will be removed.

  • Healing/Reviving of an opposite faction player: Healing or reviving of an opposite faction player who is not with you in a raid group, dungeon, or in a sanctuary.
    Punishment: 1 day of account suspension

  • Colored text: The use of colored text in game chats is prohibited, intentional (continuous) use of colored text will be considered fraud.
    Punishment: 15 days of account suspension.

  • Being inactive on Battle Grounds: Consistent inactivity (AFK) on Battle Grounds, playing hide-and-seek, not participating in a battle and so on to get easy honor points.
    Punishment: first - warning, then - 3 days of account suspension.

Section II - Virtual Ownership and Trading

Attempts to sell or exchange any virtual property of the ARGAST game server for real currency, using forums, websites and other means of communication, as well as in the game itself, are strictly prohibited and will be stopped by permanent suspension of access to the game.

  • Account selling
    Permanent account suspension.

  • Website currency selling
    Permanent account suspension.

  • Gold and other in-game currency selling
    Permanent account suspension.

  • Selling in-game services for real money
    Permanent account suspension.

  • Account exchange: Attempts to exchange Accounts between players are prohibited in order to avoid fraud and subsequent proceedings.
    Punishment:аказание: 30 days of account suspension.
Notice: Never give your account details to anyone! If someone tries to convince you to give him your account name and password, immediately inform us about it. If you share your account with a trusted person, in situations when this persomyou commits a violation, or makes any changes to your characters, items, you are fully responsible for the actions of that persons.


Section III - Courtesy and Social Rules

  • Racism and discrimination towards other players: Any kind of speech in relation to skin color, race, culture, country of residence, or sexual orientation is considered racist and discriminatory. This behavior is unacceptable, even if the statement was used in a humorous manner.
    Punishment: from 15 minutes of game chat blocking up to permanent account suspension.

  • Erotic and pornographic materials: Any kind of erotic or pornographic materials, such as: comments of a sexual nature, links to websites with pornographic content or the images / videos, etc. are prohibited to post. Even if used for pranks or jokes.
    Punishment: from 15 minutes of game chat blocking

  • Posing as a server staff.
    from 10 days of account suspension up to permanent ban. (Note: By impersonating a project employee to steal other account details, you will be permanently banned for sure)

  • Sabotage: Negative interference with a game event or any other work of a server employee with players, ignoring warnings.
    Punishment: from10 days of account suspension up to permanent ban of all accounts and IPs.

  • Disrespect for server staff: Showing disrespect for a project employee and disregard for his recommendations on behavior.
    Punishment: From 10 days of account suspension up to permanent ban of all accounts and IPs

  • Negative propaganda: any manifestation of negativity to the quality and features of the game or server in general, building of a negative opinion about the project, directly or indirectly.
    Punishment: First offence - warning. Next - from10 days of account suspension up to permanent ban of all accounts and IPs.

  • Public criticism of the decisions taken by the project staff.
    10 days of game chat block.

  • Defamation: all complaints and analysis of conflicts should be posted and reviewed on forums. Accusations of other players in the game chat, open and closed discord channels, community channels, and through other means of communication where the evidence cannot be disassembled, instead of bringing the case to the complaints section on the forum, damage to reputation, and similar intrigues.
    Punishment: from 5 to 30 days of account suspension. For ignoring staff warnings - possible permanent suspension of all accounts and IPs.

  • Deception of staff: Providing false information to Administrators and / or Game Masters.
    Punishment: from 5 to 30 days of account suspension.

  • Begging: annoying begging for all sorts of benefits, items and the like from any member of the Administration.
    Punishment: from 5 to 30 days of all account and IPs suspension.

  • Requests spamming: Requests spam of any content addressed to Game Masters.
    Punishment: 30 minutes of game chat blocking. (Note: If you have a problem in game, do not spam about it in the chat. Please make a post on forum, bug tracker, and provide more details there.)

  • Incitement: provoking other players to any kind of violation of the server rules
    Punishment: from 5 to 30 days of account suspension. In severe cases will be treated as sabotage

  • Offensive / vulgar nickname: creating a character with a name containing a vulgar context or an insult, unreadable nicknames and nicknames, made with a random combination of letters.
    Punishment: forced renaming. If repeated, the account will be blocked for a period of 5 to 30 days.

  • Offensive (vulgar, obscene) messages addressed to relatives of another player; Using a veiled vocabulary is still a violetion, it is the context that matters. If it is revealed that the player was provoked and so responded to your insults, or to other offensive acts against him, all subjects involved in this violation will be punished.
    Punishment: up to 30 days of account suspension, depending on the severity of the violation.

Section IV - Abuse of Server Errors

  • Interfactional unification: taking a player from the opposite faction to a guild or group (except when the Game Master himself gathers a group for an event or other activity)
    Punishment: 7 days of account suspension for all group members, 10 days of account suspension for a group leader. Guilds with characters of different factions will be disbanded with no refunding of the guild bank stash

  • Deliberate (continuous) use of errors and flaws in game to achieve various positive effects: example -"Berserker" buff etc. ".
    Punishment: from 15 days of account suspension up to permanent.

  • Bug abuse: Deliberate (continuous) use of server errors and flaws to gain an advantage in Arenas and Battle Grounds, fighting world bosses and in raids and dungeons; Abuse of positive effects or collection of multiple positive effects of the same characteristic; Deliberate (continuous) use of flaws (bugs) of the server, which seriously undermine the gameplay. (Note: Applications will be considered only if evidence (photo, video) of the violation has been provided.)
    Punishment: permanent suspension of all accounts and IPs

  • Powerkill: Solo killing of top raidsbosses on game worlds where the solo option is not implemented, whick is eaqual to deliberate use of server errors and flaws to gain advantage and profit.
    Punishment: from 15 days of account suspension up to permanent.

  • Deliberate use of any errors and flaws that lead to an emergency shutdown of the server (Crash)
    permanent suspension of all accounts and IPs

Section V - Rules of communication channels

  • Insults, obscene language, directed at other players or not, manifestations of rudeness or disrespect in the world chat and other quarrels are prohibited.
    Punishment: 30 minutes of chat block.

  • Spam / flood.
    Punishment: 60 minutes of chat block.

  • CAPS (uppercase messages.)
    Punishment: First offence - warning. Next - 60 minutes of chat block, Next after that - 600 minutes

Section VI - Hacking or and Using Third Party Programs

  • Using third-party software that disrupts the gameplay: If you use third-party software that disrupts the gameplay (Fly / Speed Hack, etc.), you will be blocked.
    Punishment: permanent suspension of all accounts and IPs

  • Character automatization: Using lua-scripts, macros or addons that automatically control your character.
    Punishment: from 30 days of account suspension up to permanent suspension of all accounts and IPs

  • Automated multiboxing: Playing on multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time does not violate server rules. However, please note that the use of any software or hardware mechanism to copy keystrokes to other WoW clients or to automate or optimize multiboxing in any way is strictly prohibited.
    Punishment: from 30 days of account suspension up to permanent suspension of all accounts and IPs

Additional Information

- Character restoration will not be performed if your account was hacked: the security of your account is your responsibility.

- By transferring your account to third parties, you are fully responsible for all actions of these people. Including change (deletion) of data, violation of our server rules.

- If you lose access to your account, the Administration does not have the right to restore login or password without full confidence in true identity of the player.

- The Administration does not have the right to restore any lost items (loot), game currency (gold), in the event of a server crash, or any other situation that resulted in loss of player's values. (Loss of mail, trade between characters, loot from creatures, etc.).

- Any attempt to violate the server rules will lead to the blocking of your account for the specified period.

- Repeated violation of server rules will lead to more serious punishment, up to permanent suspension of all accounts and IP of responsible person.

- Any attempt to bribe a staff member to unban account will result in permanent suspension of your accounts and IP.

Note: The administration reserves the right to edit and change these rules without notifying users about it.